Celebrating and honouring the 76 years of unity and progress of Bharat

National Public School ITPL celebrated the Republic Day of Bharat with a vibrant and patriotic flavour. The event brought the school community together to honor the nation. The program began with the hoisting of the national flag, accompanied by the singing of the national anthem, evoking a sense of pride and unity. 

The students delivered soul-stirring speeches in English and Hindi, bringing about the linguistic diversity. To emphasize the impact of prominent personalities from pre-independence Bharat, the students also dressed as them, bringing their legacy and unequivocal contributions to life.

Symbolizing the spirit of independence and democracy, emphasizing the importance of the Constitution and the role of youth in shaping the future, with a commitment to upholding the nation’s values, the day serves as a reminder of our collective responsibility and hope for a better future.