To New Years, New Beginnings

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A new year, a new beginning, they say,

And I wonder what all is to come my way,

Perhaps, that’s not what I really need. 

I don’t want things to really ‘come my way’,I want to carve on my lead. 

With every passing second I hope-

To be able to make the most , walk the tightrope-

With every working second in my clasp,

And every foreseeable opportunity within my grasp. 

My what a beautiful time it is,this new year’s season,

With silhouettes of dreams etched in everyone’s own voice of reason,

With plans and ideas and resolutions we don’t admit to,

Isn’t it fascinating to think-with this abundance of hope,what we all could possibly do?

It’s funny how a mere date could change so many people’s outlooks so soon,

I mean what could really change from a late 31st evening to a lazy first afternoon?

But don’t they say-it is after all the thought that counts-that matters

So how could we possibly ignore these cries, they open to our life, our very first chapters! 

Oh, this new year, how I wish to seize it all!

Not for life to merely happen to me,passively wait for my call,

I wish to be that storm, that hurricane, that force of nature-turn into gold, all that hay-

A New Year, a new beginning, I guess it all starts that way.                                                    

Anvita Srivastava

Grade X1 D

National Public School – ITPL