Prof Rabindranath Nayak

A Professor Emeritus of Indian institute of science, Prof Nayak is a celebrated name in scientific community and has been at the core of many innovations in the areas of vaccine design and Immunology for more than 40 years as Professor, Head and Chairman, MCBL, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Currently, he is a visiting professor at NISER, India.

He has been awarded a Gold Medal from Utkal University and Lady Tata Senior Scholar & Senior immunologist award, Immunological Society of India for his scientific contributions. He was holding a prestigious Astra Endowment Chair, IISc (2003 – 2006).

He has been a mentor and a guide for more than 60 top scientists of present age who are leading various scientific organizations spread across the globe primarily in USA and Europe. Many of his students are leading faculties of Centers of Excellence of India like IIT Chennai, National Centre for Cell Sciences, Pune, and many more.

His vision is to inculcate scientific spirit at very early stages of education and exposing them to cutting edge scientific technological tools thereby empowering the millennial kids to take on newer challenges of the present day. He brings on board an ocean of experience of teaching basics of science, making kids learn science in a simplified way.