Our Team

Message from Director Principal

The words of Rabindranath Tagore – “The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence”, cannot be more relevant than in the present times.

The need of the hour is to empower young students to successfully navigate the global, systemic challenges ahead, by showing the complexity of the world they inhabit, and encouraging them to take responsibility for shaping their future.

As an educationist, I envisage that we need to re-imagine new ways of learning, inspire new paths of action, and nurture new initiatives. At NPS, education is experienced in the 21st century by inspiring students to discover that they are far more capable than their believe, to discover their passion in life and to explore what it means to live from a strong sense of vocation.

While promoting academic excellence through the plethora of programs, activities, and assessments - preparing, and enhancing the skills of every student is the core of our precepts. The prerogative is to enable our students to be contributing members of the community, instilled with principles and values.

Each student is looked upon as an individual and we believe in celebrating this diversity in our classrooms with the firm belief that “Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself.”

Mrs. Vandana Sanjay
Director Principal

Message from Academic Dean

Mrs. Charulatha Prakaash holds a triple Master’s Degree in English and Public Administration from the University of Madras and in Education from the ICFAI.

With a professional career spanning two decades and more, she is passionate about enhancing the quality of the teaching-learning process by incorporating best practices in academics from across the globe. Commencing her career as a teacher of History, heading the Social Sciences dept., she helped students ace the board exams with ease.

An ardent enthusiast of the English language, spearheading the Dept. of English in the National Centre for Excellence, Bengaluru, she engaged the teachers and students in pursuing theatre and drama in refining their language and communication skills. She has taught the Senior and Secondary school students for more than a decade, driving them to achievements in their exams.

With a stint in Vidyagyan Leadership Academy, a CSR venture of HCL in the hinterlands of Uttar Pradesh, enabled her come face to face with the challenges of teaching English to rural students; preparing them to face the SAT and clear the College Board Exams, she feels is a landmark in her career. Pursuing her career in tier II cities of India, she was the founder Principal of a residential school in Davangere, the Knowledge Capital of Karnataka, leading the school in honing and shaping the all-round development of the faculties of the students.

She believes that honesty, integrity, empathy are the values that shape a good citizen, these should be inculcated in the students along with socio-emotional skills that play a great role in shaping their future personalities.

Here, at NPS ITPL, as the Dean -Academics, her extent knowledge and experience will contribute in carrying forward the sixty-year- old legacy of our esteemed Chairman.

Mrs. Charulatha Prakaash
Academic Dean